Pur Suite Terrasse - Lindenhof
Pur Suite Terrasse - Lindenhof

Weather & Webcam Weather in South Tyrol - Italy

315 sunny days in Naturno in South Tyrol

Naturns - Vinschgau - Merano region

The holiday resort of Naturno nearby Merano has an average of 315 sunny days per year. South Tyrol is the northernmost region of Italy, and thanks to its overwhelming mountain ranges has a Mediterranean climate. Naturno, the location of three DolceVita hotels, is the region with least rain in the eastern alps. Naturno is the perfect place for adventurous mountain bike tours, challenging time at a golf course, fast race bike tours, long hikes, gymnastics, yoga, various outdoor-massages and fun afternoons with all your family at our fantastic swimming pool area.

Weather & Web cams

Weather forecast

Weather today:

A low pressure system over the western Mediterranean will steer humid air to the southern side of the Alps.

There will be a lot of clouds in South Tyrol and the sun will struggle. In the southern parts of the province and from the Ultental Valley via the Passeier Valley to the Brenner Pass, there may be some rain at times. The snow line is between 800 and 1100 m.

Dull, slightly rain

Temp. min.:

Temp. max.:

The highs range from 4 to 9 degrees.

Mountain weather today:

A low pressure system over the western Mediterranean will steer humid air to the southern side of the Alps.

Temperature in 2.000m:


Temperature in 3.000m:


0° limit:


Weather tomorrow:

Moderately humid air masses will continue to reach South Tyrol with a westerly current.

Mostly clouds will predominate, with sunshine only appearing in places. It will remain dry throughout.

Very cloudy

Temp. min.:

Temp. max.:


Temperatures rise to 4 degrees in Dobbiaco and 10 degrees in Bolzano.

Mountain weather tomorrow:

Moderately humid air masses will continue to reach South Tyrol with a westerly current.

Temperature in 2.000m:


Temperature in 3.000m:


0° limit:


Weather development

Mostly cloudy. On Tuesday, it will continue to be very cloudy, but mostly dry. Wednesday will also be cloudy and there may be some rain or snow in places. Thursday will have a lot of clouds, with occasional sunny spells. Friday will not bring any major changes. There will probably still be lots of clouds and only brief clearings. Towards evening some snowfall is possible along the border to Austria.

Tuesday 11.02.


Temp. min.:


Temp. max.:

Wednesday 12.02.


Temp. min.:


Temp. max.:


Thursday 13.02.

Very cloudy

Temp. min.:


Temp. max.:


Friday 14.02.

Very cloudy

Temp. min.:


Temp. max.:


Source: Hydrographisches Amt Autonome Provinz Bozen

Web cam in the Lindenhof Resort in Naturno - South Tyrol

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Web cam Vinschgau

Web cam Merano

Have a look at the modern rooms and suites in the spa hotel Lindenhof in Naturno nearby Merano. The three-quarter gourmet board, the wide range of included services and the DolceVita advantages will definitely impress you!