Pranayama Yoga: Frei Atmen mit Yoga
Yoga therapy for disorders of the respiratory organs
Disorders of the respiratory system can be prevented and alleviated with yoga techniques and breathing and cleansing exercises (Kriya techniques).
The yoga therapy for disorders of the respiratory organs is effective in cases of asthma, bronchitis, sinus infection and allergic rhinitis.
Für Jung und Alt
Hormone Yoga (according to Dinah Rodrigues)
Hormone yoga was developed by Dinah Rodrigues and is suitable for the prevention of complaints during the menopause. Young women wishing to become pregnant will benefit from hormone yoga exercises.
Körper, Geist & Seele
Nidra Yoga – Deep relaxation through meditation
With Yoga Nidra, deep relaxation technique leads to meditation. Yoga Nidtra promotes healing on a spiritual, physical and emotional level. This style of yoga was developed by Swami Satyananda and is based on tantric scriptures.
Spirituelle Entwicklung
Sivananda Yoga
Based on the teachings of Swami Sivanandas, this style of yoga is strongly orientated on Indian spirituality. 12 basic positions with relaxation in between, breathing exercises and meditation are practised and mantras are chanted during these lessons. Practising the asanas supports the spiritual development.
Lebensenergie steigern & Blockaden lösen
Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga is a gentle style of yoga. Many of the asanas (yoga positions) are carried out lying down. Holding the asanas for a long time exercises the deep layers of the connective tissue and keeps the ligaments agile. Most asanas focus on the lower back region and the hip. These yoga positions increase life energy (also called Prana flow) and remove energy blockages.
Other kinds and styles of Yoga
Yoga Arten & Stile
Health for
body & soul
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